Before arrival

Preparing for your arrival in Poland as a student involves several important steps.

Here’s a general guide to help you before you arrive:

  1. Visa and Documentation:
    • Ensure you have the necessary visa and residence permit if required. Check the specific requirements for your country.
    • Have all essential documents like your acceptance letter, passport, visa, and any other required paperwork.
  2. Accommodation:
    • Confirm details with your university regarding on-campus housing
    • Pay dormitory deposit
  3. Health Insurance:
    • Obtain health insurance that is valid in Poland. Some universities may have specific requirements, so check with them.
  4. Finances:
    • Set up a local bank account once you arrive.
    • Familiarize yourself with the local currency and financial system.
  5. Cultural Awareness:
    • Familiarize yourself with Polish culture, customs, and etiquette.
    • Be aware of any specific rules or regulations in your university or local area.
  6. Climate and Clothing:
    • Pack clothing suitable for the local climate. Poland experiences distinct seasons, so be prepared for cold winters and warm summers.
  7. Orientation Programs:
    • Check our offer for Welcome program offered to international student to get acquainted with campus facilities, services, and other students.
  8. Social Media and Networking:
    • Join online communities or forums for international students in Poland. It’s a great way to connect with others and get tips.
  9. Packing:
    • Pack essential items, including important documents (education documents), medicines, and any items you might not easily find in Poland.

Have a safe journey to POLAND!