Medical care

There are two types of healthcare in Poland:

  • public healthcare (free of charge) financed through the National Health Fund called NFZ. To benefit from the NFZ healthcare you must be insured with the public Social Insurance Institution – ZUS,
  • private (paid) – fees, terms and conditions depend on the insurance policy you’ve bought and contract you’ve signed. The cheapest options only include basic services, e.g.: visits at general practitioners’ or certain specialist doctors. More advanced services, e.g. more complicated dentistry treatment, giving birth, operations or hospitalization, require more expensive insurance plan.

It’s mandatory for international students to have a health insurance in Poland. EU/EEA citizens are allowed to exercise their healthcare rights on a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) basis. Citizens of other countries must buy the commercial insurance policy covering the healthcare costs in their countries, or pay for a voluntary policy in Polish National Healthcare Fund. To get a policy it’s necessary to present the university certificate of enrollment, student ID card, the temporary residence certificate and passport with valid visa or residence permit.